Key Lime Coconut Energy Bites

Key Lime Coconut Energy Bites

Yields1 Serving
 ½ cup almonds
 ½ cup cashews
 1 ½ cups pit dates
  cup juice lime
  cup zest lime
 ½ cup coconut, shredded

Place almonds and cashews in a food processor. Combine until nuts are finely chopped, but not until they are a paste. Add dates, lime juice and lime zest. Combine until dates are finely chopped. Roll mixture into balls that are 1.5 inches and coat in coconut. Flash freeze. Divide among indicated number of gallon freezer bags, label, and freeze.


 ½ cup almonds
 ½ cup cashews
 1 ½ cups pit dates
  cup juice lime
  cup zest lime
 ½ cup coconut, shredded



Place almonds and cashews in a food processor. Combine until nuts are finely chopped, but not until they are a paste. Add dates, lime juice and lime zest. Combine until dates are finely chopped. Roll mixture into balls that are 1.5 inches and coat in coconut. Flash freeze. Divide among indicated number of gallon freezer bags, label, and freeze.


Key Lime Coconut Energy Bites

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