Chicken and Apple Sausage

Chicken and Apple Sausage

Yields4 Servings
 1 lb ground chicken
 1 apple, peeled and finely diced
 2 tbsp italian seasoning
 2 tsp garlic powder
 2 tsp salt
 1 tbsp avocado or olive oil (plus more to cook with)

Mix the chicken meat with the diced apples, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt, and avocado oil

Form 12 thin patties from the meat

Pan fry the patties in some avocado oil. Place a lid over the pan to cook them faster. check with a meat thermometer that the internal temperature of the sausage is 170F


 1 lb ground chicken
 1 apple, peeled and finely diced
 2 tbsp italian seasoning
 2 tsp garlic powder
 2 tsp salt
 1 tbsp avocado or olive oil (plus more to cook with)



Mix the chicken meat with the diced apples, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt, and avocado oil

Form 12 thin patties from the meat

Pan fry the patties in some avocado oil. Place a lid over the pan to cook them faster. check with a meat thermometer that the internal temperature of the sausage is 170F


Chicken and Apple Sausage

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